When I thought about writing a blog, I didn't initially think "Ah yes, let's write an angry post about the current administration, and how people should vote for Biden." I don't want politics to be the main focus of this blog. But it's 5 days to what is arguably the most important election in my lifetime, so here we are.
Here’s the deal: I’m sick and tired of hearing people say that Trump fixed the economy and stands for “Christian moral values” and that’s why you’re voting for him. Neither of these statements is accurate.
He inherited an economy that was on its way up after the Obama administration dug us out of the worst recession since The Great Depression. Of course it wasn’t perfect. Things weren’t fixed by the end of his presidency, but a lot had improved during his eight years in office. Trump didn’t fix the economy. He rode someone else’s coattails and took credit for someone else’s successes, just like he’s done his whole life. The success of the stock market also does not equate to the success of the economy. Stocks by and large are owned by the top 10% of the wealthiest people in America. So to say that our economy is doing well because billionaires are making even more billions doesn't really take into account millions of Americans who are struggling to put food on the table, pay for healthcare, and provide for their families. The stock market is only a small portion of the big picture.
If you think that he stands for “Christian moral values” I just don’t understand where you’re getting that from. He knows saying that he’s against abortion is a hot button topic that will get him votes, because people are often times one issue voters. If you think that man hasn’t paid for an abortion in his lifetime, you’d better think again.
If you’re pro-life, then why don’t you care about lives after they are born? Why don't you fight as hard to make sure that children in the foster care system or children who are born in to poverty are still provided for and taken care of? Why are you OK with a foster care system that is overwhelmed with children who are often abused and neglected? Why are you OK with hundreds of thousands dying from a virus that he knew about and didn’t do enough to prevent it from spreading? Still to this day he holds packed rallies and doesn’t require masks, creating super spreader events, and mocks people like Joe Biden for wearing masks. Why are you OK with people being killed by police officers on power trips? Why are you OK with a president who is supported by white supremacist and domestic terrorist groups, and rather than denounce them, he continues to encourage them to commit violence? Why are you OK with people not being allowed to love who they want to love? Why are you OK with people being treated as less than because of their gender identification, sexual orientation, color of their skin, or god they choose to worship? Why are you OK with children being kept in cages separated from their parents, and women being sterilized against their will? Why are you OK with a president that denounces facts and science, and refuses to take action on a climate crisis that is creeping up on us all too soon?
Our country was founded on religious freedom. Separation of church and state. The Christian church should not dictate what is law in this country, because not everyone is Christian. And if you are a Christian, supporting someone who literally doesn’t follow the number one rule of Christianity, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR, doesn’t make sense to me. I am a proud Christian. I know in my heart with every fiber of my being, that Trump is not a godly man. He is motivated by money, power, vanity, and greed. All things that we are taught as Christians to leave behind. A leader should govern with humility and humanity. Especially one who claims to care about moral values.
As a woman, I am terrified of the back slide that four more years of this administration could do for women's rights. The forcing through of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court has already jeopardized women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and healthcare.
The government does not have a right to tell a woman what to do with her own body. I promise you- women are not out here getting pregnant so they can just kill babies. It is not your place to judge anyone for the difficult decisions they have to make. You don't know the circumstances. And your religious beliefs about when life begins should not have any bearing on whether something is legal in the eyes of government. Once again, SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
The government should not have a right to tell someone they cannot get married because they are homosexual. The government should not allow people to be discriminated against in the workplace, or by businesses because they are LGBTQ. The government should not deny two loving people, who happen to be gay, the right to adopt a child who needs a loving home. People should not feel unsafe to be who they are for fear of repercussions. WHY DOES IT MATTER TO YOU? Separation of church and state.
People should not be denied healthcare because of a pre-existing condition. People should not be denied healthcare because they can't afford to pay insane prices for insurance. People should not be denied healthcare because of their gender or their sexual orientation. Healthcare is a basic human right. We all have a right to live.
Black lives matter is not a political issue. It's not a left vs right or progressive vs conservative issue. Everyone should be seen as equal in the eyes of the law. People should not have to be afraid for their lives walking down the street in a hoodie because of the color of their skin. Everyone deserves to LIVE.
The way that this pandemic has been handled in this country is abysmal. I lost my job and my healthcare. I am still searching for employment 7 months later, and the market is over-saturated because there’s too many unemployed and not enough jobs. Millions have lost their jobs, their healthcare, their lives. I'm grateful at least to still have a roof over my head, and to be able to access unemployment benefits while I search for work. Many are not that lucky. People have been forced out of their homes, have had to move back in with family members. People have lost loved ones and not been able to celebrate their lives because it's still unsafe to gather. Yet 45 continues to act like he’s been God’s gift to this country and the “best is yet to come.” If the best is anything like the last several months have been, I pray for God’s mercy for us all. This is not what "best" looks like to me. If you can stand up and say that you’re voting for Trump because your financial situation improved, and that’s all you care about, please don’t call yourself a Christian. Because voting for him is accepting a President who allows and encourages racism, homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and hatred. None of these things are Christian ideals.
If you have a problem with what I’m saying, that's fair, that's your opinion. But I ask you to really look deeply at yourself and why you feel this way. What you want to leave behind as your legacy? Do you want to be in support of further division and continuation of hatred in this country? Or do you want us to come together and for all Americans to be celebrated for our differences? Do you want to be led with love, compassion and understanding or hatred, fear, and prejudice? The two sides of this election couldn't be more different. I implore you to really open your eyes to what the current administration has done and what that could mean for our future. I am scared. I hope you'll vote with other people's best interests in mind as well as your own. This isn't about a difference in politics. It's about a difference in humanity. Caring for the good of all, and wanting a better brighter future for all people.
